If you are need of assistance you can call, text, or e-mail for assistance.
- Phone: (270) 809-2053
- Text: (270) 681-3811
- msu.libraries@murraystate.edu
The Reference desk in Waterfield Library is available to students at the following times:
- Mon-Fri 8 am to 9pm.
- Sat 10am to 8pm
- Sun 1pm to 9pm
Research and Instruction Librarians
The Research and Instruction Librarians, who are assigned specific subject areas, are available to assist you with questions that you may have about using our resources or ways to find the best resources on a topic. The Librarian for your subject area is:
Megan Wilson
Jones College of Science, Engineering & Technology
Hutson School of Agriculture

Room 212 Waterfield Library