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Murray State's Digital Commons

a repository for scholarship, research and creative thought

Murray State University Institutional Repository

An Institutional Repository (IR) supports the dissemination and management of materials by the institution and its members. IR materials are indexed to be highly discoverable by search engines, so University branding is heavily incorporated.

Murray State's institutional is Open Access. Open Access (OA) literature is online digital content, freely available and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions (author credit is still required). If you are a Murray State student, staff, or faculty member who has made significant contributions to scholarship through open access formats, consider applying for the Lana Porter Open Access Initiatives Award.

Does this require a lot of my time? No! If you are a student or member of faculty or staff with scholarly content your are proud to have created while at Murray State, contact scholarly communication librarian Arthur Boston at for help, or visit "Submitting Faculty Work to Murray State's Digital Commons."

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