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Evidence-Based Practice

A guide to the elements and process of EBP

Specialties - General

ACP Journal Club
This Web site comprises the cumulative electronic contents of ACP Journal Club's bimonthly print edition since its inception in 1991, with recurrent weeding of out-of-date articles. The content is carefully selected from over 100 clinical journals through reliable application of explicit criteria for scientific merit, followed by assessment of relevance to medical practice by clinical specialists.

AHRQ - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 
Evidence-based Medicine reports and projects.

An evidence-based resource from the UK which includes a journal and resources for teaching and practicing EBM.

Basic Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice Resources
From the Health Sciences Library at the University of Washington, a website to support a class in EBM Resources.

BMJ Learning
Learn about the latest evidence based research and best practice from leading experts in medicine.

Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Toronto) 
The goal of this Website is to help develop, disseminate, and evaluate resources to use in practice and in teaching EBM to undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education health care professionals. This site, which is produced by Mount Sinai Hospital, University Health Network (Toronto, Canada), also serves as support for the book entitled, Evidence-based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach EBM by David L. Sackett, Sharon E. Straus, W. Scott Richardson, William Rosenberg, and R. Brian Haynes.

Cochrane Collaboration 
The Cochrane Collaboration is an international organization that aims to help clinicians make well informed decisions about health care by preparing, maintaining and ensuring the accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of health care interventions.

Dr. Chris Cates' EBM Web Site
This site is an attempt to share some of Dr. Cates' experiences that he has gained as a GP in Hertfordshire and a reviewer with the Cochrane Collaboration.

EBM Page Generator
From The Dartmouth Biomedical Libraries, Dartmouth College and the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale School of Medicine. This tool helps you create your own EBM web page with your resources for your website. Once you've gone through the process, you'll end up with the code to export to your own web site.

Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (Oxford University)
This Oxford-Centre for Evidence Based Medicine has been established as the first of several centres around the country whose broad aim is to promote evidence-based health care and provide support and resources for teaching EBM.

Evidence Based Health Care Practitioners Links
Well-maintained and frequently updated list from McMaster University health Sciences Library, Ontario, Canada.

EBOC: Evidence-Based On Call
In this evidence compendia you will find evidence-based summaries of 38 on-call medical conditions. Every recommendation links via a plus icon to a short summary of the evidence which in turn link to one-page summaries (called CATs) of every article used via a cat icon.

OTseeker From the University of Queensland (Australia), the OTseeker is a database that contains abstracts of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials relevant to occupational therapy. Trials have been critically appraised and rated to assist you to evaluate their validity and interpretability. These ratings will help you to judge the quality and usefulness of trials for informing clinical interventions.