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Federal Government Depository

Information about University Libraries' federal documents collection.

US Government Depository

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Federal Government Depository History and Policies


The Government Documents Depository of the Murray State University Library System is located within the library’s Reference collection on the main floor. This collection was designated a federal depository within the First Congressional District of Kentucky in the 1924 (1975/76 Reference Annual Report). Statistics and reports for the collection as a separate entity became official in 1969 when the first annual report was submitted. 

In the mid-1990's the Clinton Administration mandated that government documents move online as quickly as possible. As a result, the hard copy depository materials have been reduced, for the most part, to those designated as "essential" titles -- for example, the Budget of the United States, Congressional committee reports, etc.

Borrowing Policies

Much of the collection has been moved into the Circulating or Reference collections -- making access through the library catalog possible. Any documents found by other means, outside of these regular collections, may still be borrowed by faculty and students of MSU.

Ask at the Information Desk for assistance on using the hard copy collection or suggestions for search strategies on the internet. Email for help.