HeinOnline provides access to approximately 30 databases of legal history and government documents. You can reach the database by going to the databases A-Z list and selecting it or by going to the Political Science Research Guide and going to the articles tab and selecting it from the databases list found there.
On the HeinOnline landing page. You will be able to search full text in all databases, search for a citation across all HeinOnline content, search for publications, or search by case law. You may also browse databases by category or name.
You may begin your search using the default full text search. In this example, I used the search term "homelessness." Each search result includes the name of the resource, original location of the resource, author, topics included in the resource, and a brief excerpt that features the search term. By clicking "turn to page," you directed to the exact page in the resource which includes your term.
You may also filter your search result by title of publication, type of material ("section type"), topic, location, person, and organization.
To filter to scholarly articles (or any other type of source), click "Section Type" and select what types of materials you are looking for.
You will be able to download a PDF of materials, or view them online through HeinOnline's interface. From the interface, you can access a variety of tools, including citations, bookmarking, in-text searching, and "more like this" (shows related materials).