Collection Title: St. Lo Manuscript
Series Number: MS10-44
Processed and Cataloged by: Processed by Dieter C. Ullrich on June 18, 2010.
Date Listed: June 18, 2010
Date Span: [1946]
Size of Collection: 0.10 linear feet.
Number of Boxes: 3 legal size file folders; 1 item.
Type of Material: Manuscript.
Condition of Material: Good with minor fading due to aging.
Arrangement: Organized by author.
Biographical / Historical Information: Following the Second World War, the Historical Division of the United States Army conducted a series of studies of significant military engagements that American troops participated in. Their findings were later published by the United States Government Printing Office.
Scope and Content: Collection consists of a typescript manuscript of the Battle for St. Lo from July 7 to July 20, 1944 edited by Gordon A. Harrison, Forrest Pogue and Eva Spencer. The collection includes appendix, maps and related materials. This copy was retained by Forrest Pogue.
Subject Headings / Descriptors:
World War, 1939-1945 – Campaigns – France – Normandy.
Saint-Lo (France) – History – Siege, 1944.