Collection Title: Rothrock, Murdock, and Roark Family Papers
Series Number: MS20-05
Processed and Cataloged by: Sarah Hardaway
Date Listed: February 1, 2021
Date Span: 1851-2017
Size of Collection: 2 linear feet
Number of Boxes: 3
Type of Material: Correspondence, legal papers and contracts, government materials, and personal ephemera and momentos.
Condition of Material: Fair to poor.
Arrangement: Chronological and physical size.
Biographical / Historical Information: The James and Ann Rothrock family were early settlers in the Muhlenberg County area in Kentucky after statehood. Among their children was John Rothrock who went on to marry Nannie Rothrock around 1862 during the Civil War. Nannie Rothrock's maiden name was Murdock. This Murdock family was also among early settlers in Kentucky. The Roark family of this collection owned a casket-making business in or around Greenville, in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky starting in about 1898.
Scope and Content: This collection consists of various papers relating to various businesses including the railroad industry, carpentry and masonry, and school taxes. Ephemera in the collection includes vintage advertisements, holiday cards, librettos, event programs, newspaper clippings, and menus from various places in the eastern United States.
Subject Headings / Descriptors: