Collection Title: Wilson L. Weathers Speech
Series Number: MS98-10
Processed and Cataloged by: Processed by Dieter C. Ullrich on May 6, 2010.
Date Listed: May 6, 2010
Date Span: 1876
Size of Collection: 0.10 linear feet.
Number of Boxes: 1 legal sized file folder; 2 items.
Type of Material: Speech.
Condition of Material: Good.
Arrangement: Chronological arrangement.
Biographical / Historical Information: Wilson L. Weathers was an attorney, politician and orator from Murray, Kentucky during the latter part of the 19th Century. He was born in Nelson County, Kentucky on November 11, 1846. His parents relocated to Todd County, Kentucky in 1854. He attended local public and private schools and graduated from high school in Todd County. He attended a business college in Louisville and later engaged in a mercantile business in Clarksville, Tennessee for a few years. In 1869, he gave up the business and moved to Mayfield where began to study law. He practiced law in Mayfield for four years and in 1873 moved his law firm to Murray. He was elected to the Kentucky State Senate in 1882. He died of typhoid fever on November 30, 1883.
Scope and Content: Collection consists of photocopied speech delivered by Wilson L. Weathers of Murray, Kentucky during the 1876 presidential campaign. His speech criticizes Republican leadership during the reconstruction era and declares support for the Democratic candidate for president, Samuel J. Tilden. Included with the speech is a transcription and an obituary.
Subject Headings / Descriptors:
Weathers, Wilson L., 1846-1883
Politicians – Kentucky – Murray.
Kentucky – Politics and government.
Presidents – United States – Election – 1876.
Legislators – Kentucky.