Collection Title: Mildred Hatcher Papers
Series Number: MS99-01
Processed and Cataloged by: Originally processed by Ernie Baily
Date Listed: February of 1999
Date Span: 1948-1973
Size of Collection: 2 linear feet.
Number of Boxes: 4 legal size document cases.
Type of Material: Manuscripts and typescripts.
Condition of Material: Good.
Arrangement: Arranged alphabetically by title of subject.
Biographical / Historical Information: Mildred Hatcher was born on October 6, 1904 at Murray, Kentucky. She attended local public schools and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Murray State Normal School in 1927. She received a graduate degree in English from George Peabody College in 1930. She taught at public schools in Murray, Hardin and Paducah, Kentucky from 1924 to 1948. In 1948, she was hired as an English professor at Austin Peay State University, a position she held until 1960. From the fall of 1960 until her retirement in 1973, Hatcher was a faculty instructor at Murray State University. She served on the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Folklore Society and as president of the Tennessee Folklore Society. She died in Murray on November 18, 1995.
Scope and Content: Collection consists of manuscripts and typescripts written by Mildred Hatcher on Kentucky and Tennessee folklore. The papers also contain biographical information, research materials and a collection of essays written by former college students from Austin Peay State University and Murray State University.
Subject Headings / Descriptors:
Hatcher, Mildred, 1904-1995
Folklore – Kentucky.
Folklore – Tennessee.
Kentucky – Social life and customs.
Tennessee – Social life and customs.
Box List
Box 1
- Personal Biographical Material
- Mildred Hatcher’s personal writings
- Poetry by Mildred Hatcher
- Remedies
- Mildred Hatcher’s Biographical Information
- Bell Witch
- Christmas Lore
- Cooking
- Birthmarks
- Superstitions
Box 2
- Dick Frymire
- Ghosts
- Witchcraft
- Folk Games
- Molasses
- Epitaphs
- Night Riders
- Tennessee Folklore Society
- Folk Songs
- Ballads
- Kentucky Folklore Record
- “Vocabulary of Hog Killing” Kelsie Harder
- Folklore Over 100 Years Ago
- Ballads [typed paper- author unknown
- “Public School of Yesterday and Today” [term paper by Susan Gilmore, 1961]
- Folk Tales Around the World [Compton’s Encyclopedia, 1962]
- Folkways of the Mammoth Cave Region by Gordon Wilson [1962]
Box 3
- Misc. student papers
- Class Papers on various folklore topics done by students in her classes
- Class Papers on various folklore topics done by students in her classes