Collection Title: West Kentucky History and Culture – Land Between the Lakes Series
Series Number: OH060
Interviewee: Martin, Homer, 1898-
Interviewer: Margaret Hopkins
Date interviewed: October 15, 1976
Processed by: Sheree Wise
Date processed: April 7, 2010
Description: 1 compact disc and 1 cassette tape - (57 minutes)
Abstract: Homer Martin discusses the role of a general store in rural Tennessee during the first half of the 20th Century. He provides information on the inventory of a general store, dealing with the various sellers and suppliers and observing buying patterns of the regions populace. He also describes the importance of a general store to community affairs and social functions in a small southern town.
Biographical / Historical note: Homer Martin was born on April 4, 1898 at Standing Rock in Stewart County, Tennessee. He relocated to Fort Henry in 1928, where he later co-owned and operated the Fort Henry General Store. Due to the Great Depression and their liberal extension of credit to customers, the store was unable to rebound financially and went bankrupt in 1943. When the Fort Henry community was relocated to higher ground following the creation of the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, the Martin's reopened the general store which remained in operation until 1966.
General information: No user access to original recordings. Use audio user copies, digital derivatives, transcripts, and/or tape indexes. This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code). Permission for reproduction must be requested from Murray State University.
Subject Headings / Descriptors:
Martin, Homer, 1898-
Fort Henry (Tenn.) – History.
Land Between the Lakes (Ky. and Tenn.) – History.
Stewart County (Tenn.) – History.
Standing Rock (Tenn.)
Tennessee Valley Authority.
General stores – Kentucky – Fort Henry.
Research Notes: Abstract included with oral history.