Collection Title: West Kentucky History and Culture – Land Between the Lakes Series
Series Number: OH063
Interviewee: Mosely, Mark H., 1921-
Interviewer: David Sullivan
Date interviewed: August 10, 1976
Processed by: Sheree Wise
Date processed: April 9, 2010
Description: 1 compact disc and 1 cassette tape - (1 hour, 30 minutes)
Abstract: Mark H. Mosely was an avid scholar of history. He interviewed many people in the Land Between the Lakes region of Kentucky during the 1950s and 1960s. He describes early medical practices, the pioneer doctors and the pathology unique to the region. He also discusses of the iron industry, the Hillman's and the Night Riders.
Biographical / Historical note: Mark H. Mosely was born in Hancock County, Kentucky in 1921. He graduated from Indiana University in 1944 and later attended medical school at the University of California. During the Second World War he was involved in the Manhattan Project. He relocated to Eddyville, Kentucky in 1949, where he maintained a medical practice for over forty years.
General information: No user access to original recordings. Use audio user copies, digital derivatives, transcripts, and/or tape indexes. This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code). Permission for reproduction must be requested from Murray State University.
Subject Headings / Descriptors:
Mosely, Mark H., 1921-
Land Between the Lakes (Ky. and Tenn.) – History.
Eddyville (Ky.)
Night Riders.
Medical care – Kentucky.
Physicians – Kentucky.
Iron industry and trade – Kentucky.
Lake Barkley (Ky.)
Research Notes: Abstract and index included with oral history.