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Edward Craig Morris Collection

This guide highlights Murray State University Libraries' holdings of the works of Craig Morris.

Selected Works


El Tampu Real de Tunsucancha. Cuadernos de Investigación, Antropología 1:95-107. Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán, Huánuco, Peru.


Storage in Tawantinsuyu. Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago.


With D. E. Thompson. Huánuco Viejo: An Inca administrative center. Am. Antiquity 35(3):344-362.


State settlements in Tawantinsuyu: A strategy of compulsory urbanism. In Contemporary Archaeology: A Guide to Theory and Contributions, ed. M. P. Leone, pp. 393‑401. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.


Reconstructing patterns of non-agricultural production in the Inca economy: Archaeology and documents in institutional analysis. In Reconstructing Complex Societies: An Archaeological Colloquium, ed. C. B. Moore, pp. 49-60. Bull. Am. Sch. Oriental Res. 20(suppl.).

The identification of function in Inca architecture and ceramics. Revista del Museo Nacional 37:135-144, Lima.  1976  Master design of the Inca. Nat. Hist. 85(10):58-67.


The archaeological study of Andean exchange systems. In Social Archaeology: Beyond Subsistence and Dating, eds. C. L. Redman, M. J. Berman, E. Curtin, W. Langhorne Jr., N. Versaggi, and J. Wanser, pp. 315-327. New York: Academic Press.


Maize beer in the economics, politics, and religion of the Inka empire. In Fermented Food Beverages in Nutrition, eds. C. F. Gastineau, W. J. Darby, and T. B. Turner, pp. 21-34. New York: Academic Press.


 Huánuco Pampa: Nuevas evidencias sobre urbanismo Inca. Revista del Museo Nacional 44:139-152, Lima.


Tecnología y organización inca del almacenamiento de víveres en la sierra. In Runakunap Kawsayninkupaq Rurasqankunaqa: La Tecnología en el Mundo Andino, vol. 36, eds. H. Lechtman and A. M. Soldi, pp. 327-375. Mexico, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


The infrastructure of Inka control in the Peruvian central highlands. In The Inca and Aztec States, 1400-1800: Anthropology and History, eds. G. A. Collier, R. I. Rosaldo, and J. D. Wirth, pp. 153-171. New York: Academic Press.


With D. E. Thompson. Huánuco Pampa: An Inka City and Its Hinterland. London: Thames and Hudson. 

With S. Masuda and I. Shimada, eds. Andean Ecology and Civilization. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.

From principles of ecological complementarity to the organizationand administration of Tawantinsuyu. In Andean Ecology and Civilization, eds. S. Masuda, I. Shimada, and C. Morris, pp. 477-490. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.


Storage, supply, and redistribution in the economy of the Inka state. In Anthropological History of Andean Polities, eds. J. V. Murra, N. Wachtel, and J. Revel, pp. 59-68. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Arquitectura y estructura del espacio en Huánuco Pampa. Cuadernos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología 12:27-45. Buenos Aires.


A city fit for an Inka. Archaeology 41(5):43-49. Más allá de las fronteras de Chincha. In La Frontera del Estado Inca, eds. T. Dillehay and P. Netherly, pp. 131-140. BAR International Series 442. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford, England.


 Signs of division, symbols of unity: Art in the Inka empire. In Circa 1492: Art in the Age of Exploration, ed. J. A. Levenson, pp. 521-528. Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art and Yale University Press.


Huánuco Pampa and Tunsukancha: Major and minor nodes in the Inka storage network. In Inka Storage Systems, ed. T. Y. LeVine, pp. 151-175. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.

The technology of highland Inka food storage. In Inka Storage Systems, ed. T. Y. LeVine, pp. 237-258. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.


With A. von Hagen. The Inka Empire and Its Andean Origins. New York:Abbeville Press.

The wealth of a Native American state: Value, investment, and mobilization in the Inka economy. In Configurations of Power: Holistic Anthropology in Theory and Practice, eds. J. S. Henderson and P. J. Netherly, pp. 36-50. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.


Inka strategies of incorporation and governance. In Archaic States, eds. G. M. Feinman and J. Marcus, pp. 293-309. Santa Fe, N.Mex: School of American Research.

With A. von Hagen. The Cities of the Ancient Andes. London: Thames and Hudson.


Enclosures of power: The multiple spaces of Inka administrative palaces. In Ancient Palaces of the New World: Form, Function, and Meaning, eds. S. T. Evans and J. Pillsbury, pp. 299-323. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks.


With R. A. Covey. The management of scale or the creation of scale: Administrative processes in two Inka provinces. In Intermediate Elites in Pre-Columbian States and Empires, eds. C. M. Elson and R. A. Covey, pp. 136-153. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.


Marcus, Joyce. ":Edward Craig Morris 1939-2006: A Biographical Memoir"; National Academy of Sciences: 2007, P 256-273.

Books in Our Catalog

Murray Training School classmate Dr. Martin Tracy led the efforts to establish the collection at Murray State. "Gentle, unassuming and self effacing, Craig had a quietness that concealed a profound intelligence," Tracy said.