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Student Organization Usage Policies

Policies regarding the use of tables in library spaces by student organizations or by students conducting research.

Student Organization Usage Policies

Registered student organizations may set up a SINGLE TABLE outside Waterfield Library underneath the porch to promote student activities and awareness.  The purpose of this space should be for informational and awareness purposes only.   Registered Student Organizations must submit the Libraries Information Table Request Form to the University Libraries Dean’s Office at least two weeks prior to the event to receive approval.  Students must contact Facilities Management to arrange for a folding table and chairs for the event.  The entrance and exits to Waterfield are not to be blocked in any manner.   

The following types of events are prohibited:

  • Health screenings
  • Food sales
  • Counseling services
  • Selling new or used books
  • Sales of other merchandise or services
  • Loud music or other amplified sound

Student Organizations may not set up outside Waterfield Library for more than two consecutive days. No more than one organization may set up outside Waterfield in any given day. Individuals entering and exiting the library should not be solicited. Participants exhibiting behavior deemed distracting or disruptive will be asked to leave. Activities involving grills or open flame will have to be relocated outside of the overhang to the south side of the building. The group is entirely responsible for cleanup of the space, and the return of tables and chairs to Facilities Management.

Students Conducting Research

Enrolled students may set up a SINGLE table in the lobby of Waterfield Library for the purposes of conducting research as relating to an assignment or thesis. Students must submit the Libraries Information Table Request Form, along with all relevant IRB approval documentation, to the University Libraries Dean’s Office at least two weeks prior to the event to receive approval. The Libraries will provide a table and chair for this purpose. Solicitation for participation should be respectful of study spaces and be limited to the table area.

The following types of events are prohibited:

  • Health screenings
  • Counseling services
  • Any research that involves creating noise or other distraction