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Music - Racers Library Tutorial

Searching the Library Catalog

The search box in the middle of the homepage provides access to the library catalog and the majority of everything that Murray State Libraries has access to. So by searching this box, you will retrieve results on your topic for print and electronic resources. Search results can be filtered to just what is physically available at the library as well as what is available full-text online. The main search box should be used when you want to search for physical items or eBooks. You should use the databases, which we will discuss further in the next section, for a more specialized search for journal articles.

So let’s search the catalog to see what happens. We start at the main search box on the Library Homepage labeled “Find books, articles, journals & more...”

homepage search.png

In the box, type your search terms. For the purpose of this demonstration, I am searching for information about and by Claudio Monteverdi. I could also have chosen to search for a particular piece by Claudio Monteverdi.

My results show that I found 1,157 items either by or about Claudio Monteverdi either available online or in the library. You can choose to limit your results in various ways on the right hand side of the screen under "Tweak my results".  You can choose to limit to Online material or material that is in the library. Also, you can limit to different types of resources such as books (probably biographical in nature), audio visual (you can't limit to just audio materials to find CDs so this is as close as you can get before having to look through the results and discerning which materials are visual and which are audio), or scores.

search tweak results.png


Advanced Search

You can also search the collection using the advance search function.  This will allow you to search by author, title, subject and keyword, to use Boolean techniques and to narrow the search by material type, language, and publication date.

Advanced Search.PNG

WorldCat (Interlibrary Loaning Materials)

If you didn't find an item that you were looking for in the catalog, don't fret. WorldCat is a tool that you can use to see if other libraries own the material. WorldCat should not be used to find articles that the library doesn't have access to. There is a better way to do accomplish that which will be covered in a future video. As the name implies, WorldCat is a library catalog of libraries from around the world. You can locate the link to WorldCat at the bottom of the university libraries website under Services as shown.

homepage worldcat.png


After clicking on the link for WorldCat, you will be prompted to login. You can do this using your MSU network username and password.


Once you have logged in, you will see the following search interface within WorldCat.


On this page you can limit your search results to only include items from a certain date range, language, or material type (remember that WorldCat is not the recommended way to find articles).

You can also search by things such as keyword (this is the default), author, and title using the drop down boxes located to the right of the three search boxes.

In the following example, I'm going to search for "Antonio Vivaldi" without changing the drop down from keyword and without using any of the limiters on the page. Again, I could have searched for a particular piece by Vivaldi if I wanted to.

MUS 381 worldcat search results


Once a search is performed, you can choose to limit to the material type (books, visual, sound, scores, etc.) at the top of the results list. The results list will provide you with items that are located at Murray State and at other libraries. Items owned by Murray State Libraries will have MURRAY STATE UNIV highlighted in greed located under the title in the record. If you decide that you would like to use one of these items, you will need to copy and paste the title in the "Search Our Collections" box on the libraries website and search for the item to find the call number

If you would like to utilize one of the items that we do not own, first you will need to click on the title of the item. Next you will need to locate the get it @ MSU.gif button on that page as shown below.

MUS 381 worldcat get it at msu button


After clicking on the get it @ MSU.gif button, you will be brought to our Interlibrary Loan System.

What is Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan is a means by which Murray State University Libraries can borrow materials that we do not own from other libraries for you to use. The vast majority of the time, this can be done for you free of charge. In general, we estimate that physical items that must be sent through the mail (i.e., books, CDs, DVDs, and musical scores) take 2-3 weeks to receive. If you are a distance education student that cannot come to Murray State's Main Campus to pick up an item, contact your subject librarian or the information desk for other possible options of acquiring the materials. Articles are generally sent electronically so your location shouldn't be an issue. Borrowing articles (which will be covered in future sections) takes 2-3 days. Keep these general borrowing times in mind in relation to the due date of your research paper and the amount of time that it will take for you to thoroughly review the material.

Ordering an Interlibrary Loan Item

After clicking on the get it @ MSU.gif, you will need to login using your MyGate Credentials.

Search pic 4.PNG

You will then come to the order from. If you clicked to order the book or other item through WorldCat, the order form will be completed for you, and you just need to click submit.

All items that have been ordered will appear on the next screen. Once the physical item has arrived at the library, you will receive an email with pick up instructions.