You can access the databases one of two ways.
The first method is to go to the MSU Libraries Homepage, click "Databases."
From here, you can search alphabetically, or you can use the search bar in the upper right hand corner to search for a broad subject such as "art," science," "business," etc.
The second method is to go to the Library Homepage, and click on Research Assistance.
Then click on the college and then department that you are class is in.
Regardless of the Research Guide, there should be a tab that indicates that it should be used for finding articles.
This method will narrow down the list of databases to what is best just for that subject or for the section of the project that you are attempting to collect information on.
One database that would be good for any part of this project is JSTOR.
The first thing you must do is go to JSTOR from the Databases page or a Research Guide. Then you will need to go to the Advanced Search.
Then type in your search terms.