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Racer Oral Communication Center

Assists students with development and presentation of oral communication projects and tackling communication apprehension.

Mission Statement

The Racer Oral Communication Center is a complimentary service for all Murray State University students, faculty and staff and is dedicated to providing the necessary tools to help speakers excel academically, professionally and ethically in a diverse society. The Communication Center provides resources to facilitate learning across all majors and disciplines through innovative technology, personalized services geared toward the individual’s needs, and opportunities for  assistance and feedback on presentations.


Dr. Jesse D. Jones

Doctor of Science Honoris Causa

Dr. Jesse D. Jones is a Marshall County, KY., native and a 1964 graduate of Murray State University. After college, he went to work for the Ethyl Corporation in LA, later at the divided Ethyl and Albemarle corporations. For 32 years, Dr. Jones worked in Research and Development, co-authoring 19 patents. After retiring, Dr. Jones continues working as an investor.

Through his generosity, Dr. Jones ensured the completion of the clock tower on the new science campus, named after his late father Jesse L. Jones. Dr. Jones also provided funds for a satellite library named for his maternal grandmother. He has funded the creation of both the Racer Writing Center and the Racer Oral Communication Center in Waterfield Library. In addition to many other contributions, Dr. Jones has also created several outstanding awards and scholarships.