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Faculty Development: TurnItIn

Source for your MSU Faculty Development Needs


Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism-prevention service.

"The color of the report icon indicates the Similarity Index of the paper, based on the amount of matching or similar text that was uncovered. The percentage range is 0% to 100% The possible similarity indices are:

  • blue - no matching text
  • green - one word to 24% matching text
  • yellow - 25-49% matching text
  • orange - 50-74% matching text
  • red -75-100% matching text

Warning: These indices do not reflect Turnitin’s assessment of whether a paper has or has not been plagiarized. Originality Reports are simply a tool to help an instructor find sources that contain text similar to submitted papers. The decision to deem any work plagiarized must be made carefully, and only after in depth examination of both the submitted paper and suspect sources in accordance with the standards of the class and institution where the paper was submitted."-- 

Knowledge Base - TurnItIn (

Instructor How To's

Need to get started fast?
Instructors can attend a live, online 45-minute 

Product Walk-through session 
that's offered six times weekly.


Computer Requirements:

Requirements for single file upload:

  • File must be less than 20 MB
  • The maximum paper length is 400 pages.
  • File types allowed: MS Word, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF, OpenOffice (ODT), Hangul (HWP) and plain text.

If your file exceeds 20 MB, read suggestions to meet requirements.
