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How to Cite Your Sources

A guide to some of the citation styles

Citing Periodicals in APA

General Format

Author’s Last Name, Initials, & 2nd Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page range.


Granic, I., Lobel, A., & Engels, R. C. (2014). The benefits of playing video games. American Psychologist69(1), 66.

Electronic with DOI 

Biskin, R. S., & Paris, J. (2012). Diagnosing borderline personality disorder. Canada Medical Association Journal184(16), 1789-1794.

Electronic with no DOI 

Mates, B. F., & Strommen, L. (1995).  Why Ernie can't read: 'Sesame Street' and literacy.  The Reading Teacher. 49(4), 300-306.

Open-Access (free online) with no DOI   

​Tullos, A. (2004, June 8). The Carolina Piedmont. Southern Spaces.​

General Format

Author’s Last Name, Initials, 2nd Author’s Last Name, Initials, 3rd Author’s Last Name, Initials, 4th Author’s Last Name, Initials, 5th Author’s Last Name, Initials, 6th Author’s Last Name, Initials, ... Last Author’s Last Name Initials. (Year). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Title of Journal, volume number(issue number), page range. Publisher's homepage URL.


Santos, M., Szezech, J., Borges, F., Iarosz, K., Caldas, I., Batista, A., & ... Kurths, J. (2017, Aug.). Chimera-like states in a neuronal network model of the cat brain. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 10186-91. 

Electronic with no DOI 

de Godoy, I. J., dos Santos, J. F., Michelotto, M. D., de Moraes, A. A., Bolonhezi, D., de Freitas, R. S., & ... Melo Martins, A. L. (2017). IAC OL 5 - New high oleic runner peanut cultivar. Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology, 17(3), 10. Retrieved from

Electronic with DOI 

Alejos, A., Weingartner, A., Scharff, D.P., Ablah, E., Frazier, L., Hawley, S.R.,…Wright, K.S. (2008). Ensuring the success of local public health workforce assessments: Using a participatory-based research approach with a rural population. Public Health, 122(12), 1447-1455. doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2008.06.008 

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, p./pp. section page range. Publisher's homepage URL

One Author

Richard, G. (2017, July 9). Eating out may be bad for your ears. Washington Post.

Multiple Authors

Redmon, J. & Edwards, J. (2017 July 12). NSA leak investigation; Website to assist with defense after getting leaked documents. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, p. A1.

No Author

MTA-pocalypse. (2017, Jul 12). Glen Cove Record Pilot, p. A2.

Author’s Last Name, Initials. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Magazine, volume, page range. Publisher's homepage URL http://xxx.xx


Chamberlin, J. Noverty, A., Packard, E., & Price, M. (2008, May) Enhancing worker well-being: Occupational health psychologists convene to share their research on work, stress and health. Monitor on Psychology, 39(5), 26-29.


Levy, S. (2017, May 5). One more thing inside apple’s insanely great (or just insane) new mothership. Wired.

Citing Books in APA

General Format

Author's Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of work: Subtitle of work. Publisher Name.


Shotten, M.A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. Taylor & Francis. 


Al-Kodmany, K. (2017). Understanding tall buildings: A theory of placemaking. [eBook edition] Routledge.

e-Book only

Pulos, E. & Jimenez, G .C. (2016). Good corporation, bad corporation: Corporate social responsibility in the global economy. [eBook]

Whole Book

Darling, M. (Ed.). (2017). Takashi Murakami: The octopus eats its own leg. Skira Rizzoli Publications, Inc.


Carlyle, T. (1995).  The hero as king.  In J. T. Wren (Ed) The leader's companion. Free Press.

Chapter Author's Last Name, Initials. (Year). Title of chapter:Subtitle of chapter. In Editor's Initials Last Name (Ed.), Title of work: Subtitle of work (pp. page range). Publisher.


Haybron, D.m. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well being. In M. Eid & R. J. Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pp. 17-43). Guilford Press.


Bellow, S. (1999). A silver dish. In J. Updike & K. Kenison (Eds.), The best American short stories of the century.

Entry in Online Work

Moseley, Alexander. "Philosophy of love." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. edited by James Fieser et. al.n.d., Accessed 1 July 2017.

Entry in Online Work (no author)

Heuristic. (n.d.). In Merriam-Webster's online dictionary (11th ed.).

General Format

Editor’s Last Name, Initials, & 2nd Editor’s Last Name, Initials (Eds.). (Year Range). Title of multi-volume work (Vol. Number or range). Publisher.


Wiener, P. (Ed.). (1973). Dictionary of the history of ideas (Vols. 1-4). Scribner's.

Single Volume with Edition

David, A. & Simpson, J. (Eds.). (2006). The Norton anthology of English literature: The Middle Ages (8th ed.,Vol. A). W. W. Norton and Company.